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Summer Swim Sports Clinic Template

Summer Swim Sports Clinic Template

Hello there and welcome once again to this one of the best layout site where you can find get and grab themes from different themes and design that you want to have on your very special days, in today's topic here i show you some of my best and creative template for souvenirs the Summer swim clinic template. In this template here i show you the actual photos of the event while they are in summer swim clinic this year. In this design here i make a 4R paper size with a size of 6 inches in width by 4 inches in height. In this design here i also include the school swim logo, the company that teaches the students on how to swim and i created a very unique logo for Summer Swim 2018. You can also make a souvenir template of your own with this very simple tips.

Sports Clinic Layout Design

Tip #1 Proper size it is much better to have a souvenir with a right size and shape that you want to give to your client so you can have a better results. Tip # 2 The Photo. The photo should be in good quality, a good quality of camera should have a good quality of shot, proper settings, light and angle is a key to a best and good quality of photo shoot.

Summer Sports Clinic Layout

Tip #3 The Color Mode and Resolutions. It is one of the main key in creating your souvenir template. So try to use a 300 resolution with a color mode of RGB well it depends on the printer that you use. Some large format printer use a .Rip .Tiff file format but most common you can save your fill in .Jpg file. Jpg file means Join Picture Expert Group. Tip #4 The paper One of the best paper type that i used in this photo souvenir was the Matte type photo paper It is a very simple and easy to construct template suitable for souvenir. You can also make your own personalize summer swim clinic template for souvenirs with this very simple to construct souvenir templates. I hope you like this personalized souvenir template that i made and i hope you'll be back for more of creative design that i make for this day and i hope you'll be back for more template that randomly released this following days. Have a nice day to everyone and god bless to every each of you see you next time Guy's and bye.

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