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Signature Style of Successful People - Wearing same suit

Why Successful People wear the same Outfit?

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Successful  people suits 

Maybe you notice this and keep asking yourself why many successful people keep wearing the same thing?

This question has been on the mind of many people that is why successful choose to wear the same outfit every day even when they are well known because of their success.

The clothes tell us a lot about an individual’s personality, attitude, religions and status of life in the society.

But when we look to a successful people.

They have their own signature style of wearing the same outfit every day.

These are some of the following reasons why you might want to consider to do this also to yourself.

It makes you well-organized

Having fewer clothes make easier for you to organized with your wardrobe / closet.

The more clothes you have means bigger wardrobe, bigger wardrobe means more clothes, more clothes means more laundry and requires you more time, more energy and more expenses.

Well this does not happen with fewer clothes and you can use your energy, time and money for bigger purposes in life.

Being simplicity in choosing what to wear is not any kind of sacrifice.

It is a way to discover
yourself what is most important in "Life".

Having a few clothes will save you from expense

Sometimes when occasion comes for example the reunion.

We will buy same clothes to our family member so that all of the members of your family wearing the same thing.

But come to think of it after that most people don't wear that clothes again, another thing is when summer begins we buy summer outfits but when summer ends the clothes that we buy stock and never been used again for the whole year.

And buying occasional or seasonal clothes waste your money and time.

Limited wardrobe make you happy

Many successful people can adopt simplicity with fewer outfits.

They can easily find and get the clothes that they want to wear on that particular day, Less hustle and less depression and less time consuming.

Automate small decisions

Our life is full of decisions and we want to eliminate this things to our life.

For a successful people choosing what to wear on that particular day is easy because they eliminate this small decisions in their lives creating them more time to work and more time to make big decisions effectively.

Minimalist  principles about one outfit

Financial resources are not a question for many successful people so they chose to wear the high quality same outfit every day because they know it will be suitable for every place.

Buying a high quality of suits makes you look like presentable to the view of others.

Good for your body and mind

Simplicity are best for everyone of us but they are also great for our body and mind.

The pick and choose option for minor things fill our mind with stress.

Persistently elevated levels of stress due to such small tasks make us grind our teeth, clench our jaws and racing hearts in order to do the work quickly.

So we should eliminate everything that arouses feeling of stress in our mind and focus on what is really important.

Save time with simplicity

Simplicity allows us to focus better without wasting our time on frivolous things.

The morning routines of successful people start with bigger plans for the whole day, so they do not notice anything much that comes in the way.

Successful People that wear the same thing

There are dozens of successful people that wear same outfit everyday but here I listed and selected only few persons that you may known.

Nas Daily

A video influencer a video sensation many people see Nas Daily everyday in facebook because of his informative videos.

Nas Daily gives inspirational stories in his videos creating more viewers and subscribers.

Because he travel to different parts of the world he see and feels the worlds what it looks like from food, tradition, best place, and even sharing secret and stories of different people.

But did you notice Nas Daily wearing in all of his videos?

He wear a simple black Tshirt with battery logo and a percent which means

Nas Daily represent his life as a battery and he wants to full those of his life sharing and inspiring others

And a percentage that you see on his tshirt represent his age.

That is cool and amazing ideas that Nas Daily thinks it was a simple and comportable to wear shirts.

And that's Nas Daily Signature style of wearing clothes.

Donald Trump

The present President of the United States of America

Born with silver spoon in his mouth Donald Trump declared the president of the United states because people of the america vote and believe his agenda to their country.

You will Notice that Donald Trump's wear Tuxedo suits in his everyday lives.

Trump never wear anything because Tuxedo adopt to any kind of occasion and gathering and as a president he obligated her self to be formal as a representative in his country.


No matter what is your status in life you can do and wear the same thing as your fashion style.

You can  also be successful if you decided to yourself how to eliminate small problems and save money by less expenses.

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