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Proper way to create 18th Birthday Cover Video

How to create 18th Birthday Dvd Cover 

Simple and Elegant Dvd Cover for 18th Birthday Video Coverage

18th Birthday Album Cover Sample

Welcome back guys to our blog site where you can find or get different ideas for layout samples here are special 18th birthday album cover sample layout with pinkish red in color. when i make this kind of layout it took me 1 hour to make it and I want you to see my layout to get you ideas in making an 18th birthday album cover.

In making your cover sample you must relay to the color theme that the client will give you that's called theme and color consistency.

In making this 18th birthday design template here i collect different photos of the celebrants and rearrange it to the place that i wanted this design was perfectly build in a cover size it this design was the best photo album cover that i made this month

Always be patient in making your birthday album cover, you must keep in mind where to put the picture properly.

Look up the angle of the picture and be have a creative ideas to make a layout that you really want.

Adding some quotable quotes make your template looks good

Guys this picture is a DVD Cover for 18th birthday sample that i make for our client 18th debutante.

So guy's please support my blog site and have a nice day to all of you. if you want to see other sample of our layout you can select from the label at the right side of the page. for good quality of the album cover sample you can print it in your printer with a resolution of 300 and a size of DVD cover.

To be post in here you can send me an e-mail to get.layout@gmail.com tell me the details and we will make a sample layout and post in here. 



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