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Sample Cake Topper SAFARI template


  Sample Cake Topper SAFARI

  welcome back to the jungle, i mean welcome back guys to our site guys where you can get themes, ideas and layout from our sample here today we have a jungle safari type layout design for the day this layout sample design was exclusively made for cake toppers here i make a sample layout with very cute and adorable animals together with the birthday celebrant.

        in this sample cake topper i also put a signage in this design, i also include a grass at the lower part of the layout and put a trees behind the birthday celebrant i also put a cute bird at the top of the signage and make a collage photos of the animals behind the birthday celebrant.

Sample Layout Safari Application to cake

       i also make the font looks muddy road in look to be more attactive and readable when it was printed and placed on the top of the cake.

       guy if you want to use this template layout you can freely email us and we will response as soon as we read those messages, i hope you like my design for the day sample cake topper safari layout template, see you guys to my next post and have a nice day to all of you.



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