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Cake Layout Design Purple Floral Design

Cake Topper for Birthday flower Design

Cake Topper Design for Birthday

Welcome back guys to this site where you can find different themes and layout that you might need in your occasional events.

Today here i make a sample floral happy birthday cake topper for a female celebrant with a special dedication from his parents.

It is a combination of circular purple frame with flowers and a heart shape red floral design.

It was exclusively made for cake topper design, it is a very simple and it was easy to make.
This sample cake topper layout design i make was a 7.5 inches by 7.5 inches in width it was make with a 300 resolution i also make a two copies in this one it to put above the cake and one is be place above on the cake.

Blend the color of the cake with the color of your design

it will make your cake looks adorable.

Color Blending is one of the best important in creative design in cake.

In Everyday work you must put love to add sweetness in your life.

      I hope you guys like my sample cake topper design layout for cake, guys if you have any question you can send e-mail to us and if you want to be part of this site you can send information and details to our mailing address and we will make a special layout just exclusively to you.

See you on my next post good day and god bless to everyone.


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