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Cute Marine Style Style Tarpaulin for Christening


There are lots of design, themes and template that spread in the internet.

But it was to hard to choose what kind of design should you pick in your very special occasion.

Today ill show you my tarpaulin design for christening with marine template.

Most parents with a seaman's job spend most of their lives at the sea to earn money for their future and for their family.

So when they board back here in their homeland they spend most of their happy moments with their family.

Here is my tarpaulin with marine design for christening for the background here i choose to have a light color blue as a theme color because blue is the color of the sea and sky.

For the font here i used a combination of blue and white i also used a ship steering wheel substitute for letter O to be more unique i also add some marine related banderitas design that was hang on the top pages you also notice that i also used a strips color design to the corner served as a boarders for this template. to add more uniquely design to this tarpaulin template for christening here i used to include some sea cute clip art creature like dolphine and star fish.

For the photos i also re arranged those photo in a straight line and put a blue stroke on each of every photos of the celebrants and add bubbles to each of every corner of the design.

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I hope you guys like this sample marine template tarpaulin design for christening and i hope you gain more ideas from this design that you may used in your next projects.

I whould like to thanks to the parents of the celebrants for keep trusting us their special events design and for giving a $1 tips to me.

If you want your child to to be part of this amazing blog you can simply leaved an email to us with size, photos and details of the celebrant i will responce as soon as possible as i read one of those of your message.
Our official email was get.layout@gmail.com See you next time for more of exciting design randomly that launch on the following days.

Have a nice day to each of everyone out there and god bless to every one.



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