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Fact's about Labeled Food Product

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Sticker on Fruits Facts

Are product labeled organic really organic?

Well actually no one can say that, many business industries now a days always used to put a labeled stickers in their products telling that their products are genuine organic and they grow them by their farm.

The advantages of this is that the customers really attracted to something that stick to the product that they buy.

It is very good to eat fresh natural and seasoned foods. Sometimes with a product the placement of a label or sticker on a product is so good that it may increases the sales rate of each item that consumers and clients buy for you and it is easy to see what kind of items are usually purchased due to codes that is in place and at times also harmful to our businesses. Most of our customers see labels and stickers attached to fruits and vegetables as in the picture but we don't really know what they mean. The PLU code dictates whether a product is genetically modified, organic or produced with chemical, herbicides or fungicides. A four-digit code beginning with a 3 or a 4 means that the product was produce is probably conventionally grown. The last four letters of the code represent the kind of the fruit or vegetable you are buying. For example, bananas is always labeled with the code of 4011. if you buy from the nearest public and private market and you see or notice that there is a number "8" ahead of the product you purchased for example 84011 this means that the banana you buy is genetically grown and if number " 9 "you see 94011 this means organic bananas are the product they sell. So most of these intuitive label codes don't buy a product like this. Labels and stickers are really an asset to a product, especially if a product's packaging is good. But sometimes as a smart buyer you should always be careful about what you buy because your family's health depends on your hand.

Proper Choice of fresh food

Nutritional Facts Label Proper nutrition is important in buying a product If you are buying air boxes and cans make sure that you are buying for the health of what you are buying by looking at and reading the nutritional facts that a product provides. Nutritional labels are often placed on the side of the box and can

Viewing expiration date

This is one of the most important things a smart consumer should know, always be what you buy, Looking at the expiration label consumers know and maintain that they are always new and that they can avoid the pain they may have in eating old food or rotten product. When choosing a tomato it should look pretty crispy and not soft so the tomato will last longer in your refrigerator. Putting in the Right Container If you want to keep your food fresh and clean you should put it in a neat and tidy place so keep your food clean and avoid the insects and animals you choose.
