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Best Solution: Corona Virus Outbreak

Medical Flyers Design

What started as a few cases of pneumonia at a fish market in China market has in a short span of time killed 170 people in China and with global travel, is spreading rapidly around the world.

There are 4 deaths to every 100 cases. The virus incubates for 2-14 days during which the carrier exhibits no symptoms but can infect the people he or she encounters without realizing it.

You can see the
 latest stats on the Wuhan Coronavirus Cases in the Web.

Wuhan itself has been quarantined and countries like Australia and New Zealand are trying to get their people out of ground zero as the epidemic spreads.

Some people may only get minor symptoms while other can die of pneumonia.
So what do you do during these dangerous times?

For one thing, do not be complacent.

·  Wash your hands with soap and water regularly for at least 20 seconds and dry thoroughly.

·  Wear a maskThese are washable so you won't have to worry about running out. Just make sure you have a spare to wear while the other is drying out. The virus spreads from person to person through contact with saliva, like the droplets from a cough or sneeze so a mask would help prevent these droplets from getting to you.

·  Avoid touching your face as your hands may have touched something airborne droplets containing the virus could have settled on.

·  Avoid crowded places as far as possible.

·  Eat and drink nutritious food and get enough sleep as ultimately, there is no cure for viruses. Antibiotics work on bacteria but not on viruses. Your body has to be strong enough to fight it off if you are exposed to it.

Nutritious food

Speaking of masks, with the outbreak of the Wuhan Virus, 
protective masks have already been sold out nationwide in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries in which confirmed cases of the viral infection have emerged.

It is better to get your mask supply now before stocks run out.

Be prepared ahead of time.
These work to protect you during hay fever season, from the haze and from the flu bugs so they are a worthwhile investment.

Also it's better for the environment as you won't be using and throwing away a whole bunch of disposable masks.
