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INTERVIEW QUESTION: Tell me about yourself?

Preparing for a job interview

Job Interview

Job Interview

Here are some Tips and possible questions that the interviewer will want to know or ask to the applicants during the interview.

1. Tell me about yourself? It's all about yourself.

2. Why did you leave your last role?

3. Look for hint/clues in the role description to find the types of questions the interviewer could possibly ask.

4. Look for the pain points of the job and specific qualifications that they may be looking for.

5. Tell me about the search techniques or methods to know that our company's was having job opening?

How do you found us?

6. Your ability and skills to perform the role?

How do you used your skills and abilities for the sake of our company?

7. What is your expectations regarding to salary?

8. Are you willing to work in flexible hours?

These are  commonly ask questions during job Interview so be prepared?

Many of us failed when they have been personal interviewed by the interviewer because of this very simple questions that the interviewers always ask. 

"Tell me about yourself?".

The formula is to followed this 3 simple steps

Answer like this...

WHAT i am + WHO i am = WHY i am good candidate for the role.

Let's use this as an example.

1. WHAT i am

"I work extensively in the financial markets for 10 years, until making a total career change into academia and Psychology.

My vast experience of hiring and managing combined with my knowledge of the human mind led me to create my Global Career Consultancy".

2. WHO i am
I am highly energetic and driven individual, and use this attributes to try to motivate and help to inspire others.

My altruistic nature led me to represent UPEACE as a UN ambassador for several years.

JOB INTERVIEW: Why did you leave your last role

I am critical thinker with strong analytical skills, and pride myself on being a servant leader who place people first before task".

3. COMBINE #1 and #2 to explain WHY you are a good candidate for the position, and emphasize HOW you add value.

Strickly No add personal details such as:  Example your Age, Marital Status or even Citizenship  and etc.

Please No Rambling!

Keep it precise and concise.

This can be prepped in advance, so you know roughly what you are going to say! to the interviewer.

Take Note : Combine #1 and #2 to create professional summary in resumes.


INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: Why should I hire you?

Here is other simple questions always ask by interviewers and some applicants don't know how to deal with this,

You should do the following to answer?

1. Honestly tell to the interviewer WHAT motivates you to work for the company and WHY you want to work there (Research about the Company).

2. Pick at least 3 of your key skills/strengths and connect their relevance to your job description that was written to your resume.

3. Give at least 2 to 3 past achievements to back up your claim to point one and two.

It’s that simple!

Be concise, precise, respond with INTENTION and prove that you have what it takes.

So guys i hope this topic will help you to get your desire job. and i hope you learn something new from our todays discussion.

If you have any good ideas to answer this interview question please leave a comment at the bottom of this post to inspire more applicants and give hope and trust to themselves to get their admired job positions.

Have a nice day everyone.


Adele said…
Tks very much for your post.

Avoid surprises — interviews need preparation. Some questions come up time and time again — usually about you, your experience and the job itself. We've gathered together the most common questions so you can get your preparation off to a flying start.

You also find all interview questions at link at the end of this post.

Source: Download Ebook: Ultimate Guide To Job Interview Questions Answers:

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