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10 Things You Must Remove From Yourself

Things you must remove from yourself 

1. Blaming Yourself - The ultimate   emotional abuse in the fields of psychology.  How do you responds when things goes wrong?  Although reviewing your actions to determine what went well and what went wrong can be highly beneficial, getting stuck in “self-blame” has the potential to be destructive in psychological health. We do not mean that people should not acknowledge when they are at fault. When you take responsibility for doing wrong or making a big mistake in judgment.

2. Hate Yourself - Is a psychological kinds of depression overcoming low self esteem make yourself stronger and have confident whatever you're doing.

3. Entitlement - Self-entitled people will always find themselves to be superior to others.

You expect everyone to be at your back and call, and you tend to act violently when they don’t.

This superiority complex gives you the notion that “you deserve” things.

You believe that you are entitled to their attention and efforts, and find ways to punish them or hurt the when reality proves you.

4. Limiting Beliefs - Try to listen to your friends and relatives advice. Don't push your Beliefs that's its always right before you making your final decision.

5. Jealousy - Jealousy is one of the most complex psychological emotion that encompasses feelings ranging from suspicion to fear to rage to humiliation.
also Jealousy is when you feel bad to yourself because of what someone else has done a great job than you do or a person's achievements.

6. Toxic People - Being a toxic makes your friends avoid you because of your toxicity. avoid of being toxic and you can gain more friends and trust to them.

7. Lack of Discipline - Discipline is the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way. Laziness and lack of enough inner strength can cause you poor of self discipline.

8. Excuses - When you make an excuse, you aren't even giving enough yourself a great chance to succeed in your life. You make a wall a boundary between your potential capacity and your opposite ability.

9. Fear - A fear can also be one symptom of some mental health disorders where a person's suffering this condition including panic, social anxiety, phobias, and post-traumatic stress. People who suffering fear is also affect his/her emotion induced by perceived danger or threat, which causes physiological changes and ultimately behavioral changes. 

10. Stress - Stress is a natural mental physical reaction to life experiences. Everyone can suffer stress from time to time and strikes to people at all ages, gender and status of life. Most of the people who are in the fields of business like owners, managers, employees have a high risk to get stress because of their work. 

Anything you would add? Share with us down below. 

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