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40 qualities that good HR professional

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Skills of an HR Personnel 

Many people ask How HR professionals should be, what qualities they should possess, and what kinds of skills they should have.

So, here are the 40 qualities that good HR professional should be/should have:

1. AccountableThe HR accountability skills also defines the responsibility of HR to complete the tasks that they are assigned, to perform the duties required by their job, and to be present for their proper shifts in order to fulfill or further the goals of the organization.

2. Adaptable - The professional HR enable easily to adapt to its environment probably in job, coworkers and to its employers to make his/her work easier.

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Qualities of an HR PERSONNEL 

3. Adventurous - Being HR professional in your company or Institutions  is very adventurous job position that you may have. Think every day is a challenging day for you.

4. Balanced - Basically a professional HR must be well balance. In every situation he or she must balance. I've experienced Someone who access my computer I used in the office and went to a social media, He open my account in there and it's my fault that I didn't log-out my personal account in there and posted unnecessary posts to a group page.

The HR screen shot those post that I didn't know what it's all about because I'm busy in work and She wants me to talk about that and tell me that I was terminated to my job.

Being a HR is a powerful position in the company  or Institutions don't take advantages be Balanced and listen to your employees reasoning before making your final decision.

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HR responsibility proper Handling of Employees

I had a hard life since then because I'm not well prepared of losing job.

I did not forget the day, the face and the name of the HR who terminated me.

One day I'll came back to pay what he did to me. Maybe not in the form of physical but in the form of writing that what I do right now. So be careful to every HR that you know and this lessons will surely noted to your mind that all your personal accounts must be securely safe.

5. Bold - Boldness is a leadership form of trait that must to be mastered. Being bold simply means that or standing up for something or taking a step forward or making an action while fully aware of it's likely consequences or the danger involved. Being bold is obviously different from stupidity.

6. Communicator - A good HR must be good communicator from employees to employers suggest most effective ways to enhanced company include the benifits of employees because being HR is a road between this two. And not only by going onto job and sits there all day with relaxing chairs and table with a cup of coffee.

7. Conflict_manager

8. Creative - Creativity is very important in HR so he/she can handle those employee's well organized.
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Developing HR skills and quality

9. Curious - A good HR must be curious to something, Something good for the benifits of employees and company and not curiosity to make an issue between those two.

10. Data_driven - Reports is very important to see progress. A good HR must be good in data analysis not to eliminate but to enhance employees ability that suits to the company's to Institutions benifits.

11.Dedicated to work, work with passion and work with 100% potential.

12. Discipline - A professional HR must be well discipline attitude is very important.

13. Efficient

14. Emotionally_intelligent




18.Flexible - Can do multi tasking


20.Good_listener - Listen and balance every situation, Acquire good suggestion that came from others.

21.Hardworking - can work even on call or at home if the company  need his or her services.

22.Honest - Trustworthy persons.


24.Influencer - A good and professional HR should be good influencer for his work. very Admirable that everyone thinks that he/she was ideal persons that they followed.

25.Knowledgeable - Think fast even if in a critical situation, can formulate solutions for problem, A very reasonable suggestion can offer.


27.Mentor - also can be a good adviser.

28.Objective l

29.Organized - Maybe you see it in physical or in at work. Must be in file and a backup for future purposes.


31.Planner He/She must be a good planner that anyone who can adopt easily.

32.Positive Has a high positive attitude in Job and in life.







39.Trainer - can train and share his knowledge with others who needs help.

40.Unbiased - Loyalty is one great words that can define unbiased.

This 40 Qualities altogether is hard to find in 1! Surely, someone has to be a #SuperHero! In deed, every HR plays the role less or intensive and my personal gratitude to all HRs. Personally, I believe Humane Quality in HR is most precious!

True HR professional don’t create followers, they create more of them.

An HR who cultivate other HR and multiply their own success.

Some HR personnel  think that developing potential leaders could threaten their authority or position.

However, by failing to optimize the talent of others, they are only setting up themselves up for failure.

Any idea?

Drop down comment below!.


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