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Best THINGS you should do when you've been TERMINATED

Sudden Job Termination 

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What should you DO when you've been TERMINATED

Do the following....

1. Explain immediately to your family members. Don't keep it secret for yourself the more you feel that it was to hard to accept. Now, Tell them that you have a plan.

What’s the plan?


2. Immediately reduce non-fixed spending by at least 30% to 40%.

3. If mortgage payments may be an issue, contact mortgage lenders and request a grace period.

4. Sign up for any available government assistance.

5. Revert to minimum credit card payments.

6. Update your Resume and your Personal Account (Social Account) Profile.

7. Immediately start applying for jobs.

8. Contact former colleagues and advise them that you are back in the employment market.

9. Network online and engage on Personal Social Account.

10. Upgrade your skills and join with online webinars and courses.

11. Reach out to recruiters. Send them DM (Direct Message) ask for the available position.

I KNOW that losing your job feels like the worst kind of rejection, but try to think that it was also part of the Life that come to us.

REDIRECTIONS. But don’t stick your head in the sand.

YOU have amazing skills and experiences so start using them to find another job, now.

Many companies ARE hiring!

Anything to add, please drop comment below of this post? 

Job Loss Unemployment Stress

You are not the only one who is good, honest and hardworking in his job has lost his job.

More than 89% of workers lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Most of them have been around for years and they spent years in search of life.

Stress, depression, anxiety will be felt by everyone.

Just like I lost my job, I thought it would be nice to start a small business instead of being an employee for the rest of my life I do not know how to support my family so I must be strong as a father and pillar of home during the day and strive to face the obstacle that will come into our lives.

That should be the positive view that each of us should have.

12 Job Search Routine Increase Chance to get HIRED!

Don’t feel down.

Get UP, get dressed and have a daily job search routine!

Like this:

1. Wake up and eat breakfast.

It is must better for your health to wake up early in the morning and eat your breakfast to have power in all day. 

2. 30-60 minutes exercise and take shower

Be responsible to yourself.

Make yourself healthy and neat

3. Go to designated work space at home.

Make a workplace or establish a nice and quiet room so you can focus on your job search. 

4. 90 minutes Resume and Social Profile improvement, or keyword tailoring for online job applications (ATS).

Mostly employers review your online resume that you've submitted and check your background as well as your social media profile.

Most people keep posting nonsense things that many employers don't like, They need expertise and skills that can help them to thier company, So be responsible on what you are posting on your personal social account.

5. At Least an hour of Social media activity, to enhance visibility (like, comment, share, like comments of others in a meaningful way).

Don't comment trashy things to others and respect their points of view.

6. 1 hour lunch break/ family time.

Taking a break is a good thing to relax your mind and think the best way to improve yourself. 

7. 2 hours job search via Social media Jobs Post, Indeed, Otta and other job sites. 

8. 1 hour skills improvement via Learning, Coursera, Udemy etc.

9. 30 minute walk complying with social distancing. 

10. 1 hour interview prep: writing responses to sample competency-based interview questions, transferable skills identification, and C.A.R.L. technique.

11. 30-60 minutes of Social Media activity and online networking.

As a job seeker, Job Search is your full-time job until you find one! 

Don’t treat it as a hobby. 

If you have suddenly been laid off, you and I both know that you have amazing skills, qualifications and experience.

Don’t let disruption hold you back from 


Let’s GO! 

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